Heather's Jasper - nun ohne Lantus

Hi Heather,

Welcome to the Forum :flower:!

I added the link to your spreadsheet to your signature -- it will appear the next time you write a post in the Forum.

I would probably increase the dose by 0.25 IU now and decide in 4-5 days whether the dose needs to be increased further. Unfortunately Jasper has only had curves with BGs <100 three times so far this month.

I know you are moving to Germany in two weeks, but it would probably be good to try to get healthier BGs before you go.


Hallo Heather,

herzlich Willkommen im Forum :flower:!

Ich habe den Link zu deiner Tabelle in deine Signatur eingebaut -- sie erscheint das naechste Mal wenn du einen Betrag schreibst.

Ich wuerde wahrscheinlich die Dosis jetzt um 0,25 IE erhoehen und nach 4-5 Tagen neu ueberlegen, ob weiter erhoeht werden sollte. Leider hatte Jasper nur 3x seit Anfang August Blutzuckerwerte <100.

Ich weiss, dass ihr in 2 Wochen nach Deutschland ziehen werdet, aber es waere wahrscheinlich gut die Blutzuckerwerte etwas zu verbessern bevor ihr losfliegt.
AW: Heather's Jasper mit Lantus

Hi Heather, and a very warm welcome into this forum! Where will you go in Germany, region and city?

Yes, I would follow Kirstens advice to increase the dose, blood-counts are not very good, but wait and see, we'll help you to get better ones.

Well, have a good trip to Germany and best wishes for you, your family and Jasper!

Kind regards
AW: Heather's Jasper mit Lantus

Thank you for all the warm welcomes :)
My husband and I will be moving from Dallas, TX to Nüremberg, or Fürth

I did not raise is dose yet because this morning he gave me a morning ps of 164, the lowest it has been in a month!

I have 4 more days left to work my job, then I will be able to test Jasper's blood sugar more often.
AW: Heather's Jasper mit Lantus

Wonderful, that' s seems to be the best.

Ah, Nürnberg in the south of Germany, Bavaria ... with sausages, Kraut and bavarian music :-)) LOL, I'm from the north, Hamburg.

Nice greetings,


Abgemeldeter Benutzer
AW: Heather's Jasper mit Lantus

Hi Heather:nice:,

welcome in this forum. Nice to meet you and your cat here.
I wish you have a nice trip to Germany and I hope you will like life in this land.
You will find here in this forum very nice people who can help your cat. They helped me too. And it was the best thing that could happen. For me and also for my cat.
Sorry, my english is school english, I just want to say "very very welcome"

If you will learn German here, we can learn English when we read your messages.

With the best wishes
